Sperry Rand Wedge SPD |
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The trip
back was rough got caught in a smow storm but no big deal just
cost a little extra time, wedges are being worked on, parts
machine is pretty rough had to cut the chains out so it would
roll dont think i can save the sprockets oh well i wanted it
for the jet anyway. good wedge looks ok cleaned and lubed every
thing, jack shaft is bent cant figure how that happened but
an easy fix, too bad we didnt have that second gear in the trans
i think i would have been able to reverse the dog and swap position
on gears ive found a few workable
gears from an out board should be able to machine them to work
may even be better than original. the jlo is a piece of iron
but surprisingly runs good, little tinkering and i fired right
up. If i assemble the trans with foward only and install motor
i think i could actually run this wedge by thursday. of course
family and friends think im insane but kids think its the coolest
thing around heres some pics of it when we got in, Havin a good
time with the wedge my garage is heated and it makes an interesting
project for the winter evenings think Imight even do another
one those 4 wheeler scramblers look interesting let me know
if you run across one. tke care and keep in touch hope you
pressure washing i rolled the spd into the garage and began to
evaluate the mechanics, this spd appeared to be a well kept machine
that broke down
and was left parked. Theses machines are tough to work on if your
leaning into the body tub, i was hoping to refurbish the engine
and trans and reinstall, the
chains and sprockets looked alright but when i got in there and
looked closely there were a few let downs. The clutch shaft is
obviously bent and the three
string sprocket is stripped along with the chain being destroyed,
the carrier bearing which connects to the transmission and holds
the chain tenshoner has
been eaten up by the chain, it looks like the bolts came lose
and the tenshoner fell onto the chain this launched it into the
shaft. the result is bent clutch shaft
teeth gone off the sprocket, chain destroyed, and the bevel gear
in the transmission being trashed i later discovered that the
frame was bent, this makes a pretty good case for checking loose
bolts when your doing maintainence. All the drive components are
mounted on a frame which is held in by two bolts in the rear and
the chain adjusting bolts in the front, remove the bolts and the
bottom nuts on the adjusters and dissconnect the chains goin to
the rear and mid drive wheels and the whole assembly comes out
of course you must disconnect the steering and brake cables first.
After removing the dirve assembly I could get a close look at
what this machine needed, the bearings on the drive sprockets
are shot and the clutch shaft and three string sprocket are border
line, the frame is bent and some of the holes for the mounting
bracket have been elongated, time to put the machine in storage
and bring the parts machine into the shop.
As it turned out we had a snow storm and it took me half a day
to plow and get the parts machine in then set the heat on defrost,
at this point i have
disassembled and inspected the engine then reassembled and bench
ran it this thing is LOUD,. The search for transmission gears
goes on, but these gears
need to be bought in sets, they are expensive and have to be installed
properly or they will self destuct, if you are on a tight budget
you might look for a
machine with a good trans. The drive assembly has been removed
and while the sprockets show wear I think they will pass, if the
parts machine has good bearings and teeth I'll use them. Heres
a few pics, I'll include more next time after i strip the parts
machine and begin reassembly. Richard has asked me to to place
the restoration of this machine on the site and Iam happy to do
so I like restoring old machines and welcome emails from any one
who shows interest, ive talked to gary harper from N.H. who is
a wedge owner and we have agreed to exchange some parts for duplication
garys a good guy and knows what he's talkin about, if you go to
the owners section and search wedge you'll find about ten owners
there. also if you go to mikes garage which is in the links section
there is a good sections on wedges. Next time Ill include some
pics of the clutches and brakes as they back togeter then reassembly
of the drive train. hope you all have a merry christmas |
i havent had a lot of time to play with the wedge lateley but
i have finished the clutches and jack shaft for the jet drive,
the jet was manufactured by berkely who was one of the leaders
in the jet world, they used a model 5j5 and were still selling
them untill they went under about five years ago, you can no longer
get parts for these but i do see the pumps for sale one in a while
they were also used on early seadoos and small shallow water boats,
this jet only has about 8 parts in it, the bearings and prop are
good so it was cleaned and reassembled.
The clutches were made by formsprang and they are still around
but mine are in good shape so they werecleaned and reassembled
i did find a bad bearing and they can be bought but the price
was a little steep so i robbed one from the parts wedge. the transmission
is turning out to be a little more of a challenge, Normaly i would
machine the dog clutch on some thing like this, but i only have
one gear so i thought i
would install gears from an outboard lower end, the problem is
that the pinion shaft on the wedge turns counter clockwise and
out boards turn clockwise most outboard gears are desighned to
disengage if turned backwards there are a few out there that should
work ill let you know when i find the right ones too
bad i cant find out who originaly made these gears the trans is
complete and in good shape except for the missing gear.
The clutch shaft was bent so i went to the parts wedge and was
dissapointed to find that shaft also bent maybe it a weakness
in these machines the shaft is not hard to replace its just a
lot of work to press everything off and install on the new shaft,
most drive shaft rebuilders can sell you the new shaft, they use
them on ptos for heavy equipment. im undecided wether to install
a pillow bearing to support the shaft of
to use the original wedge bearing. I was hoping to do this wedge
in a few months but for some reason everythig on this machine
seems to take longer than i plan for, hope i have it done for
sping |
