By Scott Bolen on Unrecorded Date: Edit |
I have a question regarding the Max IIs T-20 tranny. Does anybody know how much pressure (in pounds) it takes to operate the T-20? I was thinking about trying to convert it to joystick operation for disabled folks. Does anybody have any idea how to do that? Maybe two heavy duty servos for each stick? Seems like it could be done pretty cheaply.
By Hans Harmon on Unrecorded Date: Edit |
Yes, we automated a Max Buffalo and it takes 111.2N of force for each of the actuators at just below the handle bars, 155.7N right at the seat level and 15N for the throttle. If you remove the springs the force is much lower (did not measure), but you lose the levers snapping back into place.
So, yes just get a three of heavy duty servos and go from there. Given that this a little late in responce I'm sure you've figured it out by now.
By Bill cripe (Bcripe) on Unrecorded Date: Edit |
Im kinda curious about this too. How did you control them?
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