Tell me about when you got STUCK!!!!

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Driving Tips and Techniques: Tell me about when you got STUCK!!!!
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By mike fanslau (Buckadanorth) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

This 6 x 6 discussion board has been very helpful as i've investigated and purchased an Argo I/C 8 x 8. I've noticed that just about everyone says "it's not IF you get stuck, it's WHEN you get stuck. So, I'd like to prepare my machine, and myself for the time(s) when I get stuck. What better source of knowledge could there be that all of you folks who've been there, done that, and found ways to A. Get out B. Avoid getting stuck in the first place through wiser driving, or improvements like tires, or tracks.
OR C. Equipment to carry (besides the winch) to help get out of your "stuck-spot". Thanks, Buck-ada-north

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